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p5-List-Pairwise (Perl Module) List::Pairwise - map/grep arrays and hashes pairwise
p5-List-SomeUtils Provide the stuff missing in List::Util
p5-List-SomeUtils-XS XS implementation for List::SomeUtils
p5-List-UtilsBy Higher-order list utility functions
p5-local-lib Create and use a local lib/ for perl modules with PERL5LIB
p5-Locale-libintl (V) Perl internationalization library
p5-Locale-Msgfmt Perl 5 module to compile .po files to .mo files
p5-Locale-PO Perl 5 module for manipulating .po entries from GNU gettext
p5-Log-Agent General logging framework aimed at reusable modules
p5-Log-Any Perl5 module to bring loggers and listeners together
p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Callback Perl5 module to send Log::Any logs to a subroutine
p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Dispatch Log::Any adapter uses Log::Dispatch for logging
p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Log4perl Adapter to use Log::Log4perl with Log::Any
p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Screen Send logs to screen, with colors and some other features
p5-Log-Any-Adapter-TAP Logging adapter suitable for use in TAP testcases
p5-Log-Dispatch Perl module for logging messages to multiple outputs
p5-Log-Dispatch-Array Perl 5 module to log events to an array
p5-Log-Dispatch-Config Configure Log::Dispatch with a config file, a la Java's log4j
p5-Log-Dispatch-DBI Perl module for logging messages via the DBI interface
p5-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate Perl5 module to log to files which archive/rotate themselves
p5-Log-Dispatch-Perl TODO: Short description of the package
p5-Log-Dispatchouli Perl 5 wrapper module around Log::Dispatch
p5-Log-Handler Log messages to several outputs
p5-Log-Log4perl Log4j implementation for Perl
p5-Log-LogLite Simple logging class for Perl
p5-Log-Message Log::Message - A generic message storing mechanism
p5-Log-Message-Simple Simple - Simplified interface to Log::Message
p5-Log-Report Report a problem, pluggable handlers, and language support
p5-Log-Report-Optional Log::Report or ::Minimal
p5-Log-Trace Perl 5 module providing a unified approach to tracing
p5-Mac-Carbon Carbon API for perl on Mac OS X
p5-Mac-SystemDirectory Locate Mac OS X Standard System Directories
p5-Make Perl5 module implementing 'make' in Perl
p5-Math-Bezier (V) Perl module for the solution of Bezier curves
p5-Memoize Transparently speed up functions by caching return values
p5-Memoize-ExpireLRU Expiry plug-in for Memoize that adds LRU cache expiration
p5-Memoize-Memcached Use a memcached cache to memoize functions
p5-MetaCPAN-API Comprehensive, DWIM-featured API to MetaCPAN for Perl5
p5-MetaCPAN-Client Comprehensive, DWIM-featured client to the MetaCPAN API
p5-Method-Signatures Method and function declarations with signatures and no source filter
p5-Method-Signatures-Simple Basic signatures method declarations, without source filters
p5-Mixin-ExtraFields Perl 5 module to add extra stashes of data to your objects
p5-Mixin-ExtraFields-Param Perl 5 module to make your class provide a familiar param method
p5-Mixin-Linewise Perl 5 linewise readers and writers for strings and filenames
p5-Mo Micro Objects. Mo is less
p5-Modern-Perl Enable all of the features of Modern Perl with one command
p5-Module-Build Build and install Perl modules
p5-Module-Build-Tiny Tiny replacement for Module::Build to build and install Perl modules
p5-Module-Build-WithXSpp Build and install Perl XS++ modules
p5-Module-Build-XSUtil Module::Build class for building XS modules
p5-Module-CoreList Perl 5 module inventorying modules shipped with core Perl
p5-Module-CPANfile Parse cpanfile
p5-Module-CPANTS-Analyse Perl5 module to generate Kwalitee ratings for a distribution
p5-Module-Dependency Build perl program/module dependency graph
p5-Module-ExtractUse Perl 5 module to find out what modules are used
p5-Module-Find Lets you find and use modules in categories
p5-Module-Implementation Loads one of several alternate underlying implementations
p5-Module-Install Perl5 module for building and installing Perl modules
p5-Module-Install-AuthorRequires Module::Install::AuthorRequires - declare author-only dependencies
p5-Module-Install-AuthorTests Perl 5 module for specifying author-only tests
p5-Module-Install-GithubMeta Module::Install extension to include GitHub meta info in META.yml
p5-Module-Install-ManifestSkip Module::Install::ManifestSkip - Generate a MANIFEST.SKIP file
p5-Module-Install-PadrePlugin Module::Install support for Padre plugins
p5-Module-Install-ReadmeFromPod Module::Install extension to automatically convert POD to a README
p5-Module-Install-Repository Perl 5 module for finding the repository root
p5-Module-Install-RTx Perl5 module for building and installing RT extensions
p5-Module-Install-Substitute Perl5 module to substitute values into files before install
p5-Module-Install-XSUtil Perl 5 module providing utility functions for XS modules
p5-Module-Load Perl5 module to runtime require of both modules and files
p5-Module-Manifest Parse and examine a Perl distribution MANIFEST file
p5-Module-Manifest-Skip Module::Manifest::Skip - MANIFEST.SKIP Manangement for Modules
p5-Module-Metadata Gather package and POD information from perl module files
p5-Module-Path (V) Perl5 module to get the full path to a locally installed module
p5-Module-Pluggable Automatically adds the ability to have plugins to modules
p5-Module-Refresh Perl5 module providing %INC files refreshing when updated on disk
p5-Module-Runtime Deal with runtime handling of Perl modules
p5-Module-Runtime-Conflicts Provide information on conflicts for Module::Runtime
p5-Module-ScanDeps Perl 5 module to recursively scan Perl code for dependencies
p5-Module-Signature (V) Perl 5 module for module signature file manipulation
p5-Module-Starter Perl 5 module acting as a simple starter kit for any module
p5-Module-Starter-PBP Perl 5 module plugin for Module::Starter module
p5-Module-Util Module name tools and transformations
p5-Module-Versions Perl 5 module to handle versions of loaded modules
p5-Module-Versions-Report Extension to report versions of all modules in memory
p5-Mojo-IOLoop-ForkCall Execute a code block asynchronously by forking
p5-Moo Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatiblity)
p5-Moos Moo s{imple,peedy,ingle}
p5-Moose Postmodern object system for Perl 5
p5-Moose-Autobox Perl 5 module providing autoboxed wrappers for native datatypes
p5-Moose-Policy Moose-mounted police
p5-MooseX-Aliases Easy aliasing of methods and attributes in Moose
p5-MooseX-App Write user-friendly command line apps with even less suffering
p5-MooseX-App-Cmd Perl 5 module providing MooseX::Getopt and App::Cmd mashup
p5-MooseX-Attribute-Chained Attribute that returns the instance to allow for chaining
p5-MooseX-AttributeHelpers Perl 5 module providing extensions to Moose attributes interface
p5-MooseX-Attributes-Curried Perl 5 module to define curried versions of has in Moose
p5-MooseX-ClassAttribute Perl 5 module to declare class attributes Moose-style
p5-MooseX-CompileTime-Traits Allow compile time traits for classes/roles
p5-MooseX-ConfigFromFile Abstract Moose role for setting attributes from a configfile
p5-MooseX-Daemonize Role for daemonizing your Moose based applicationoose